Parental alienation is an issue affecting many child custody cases today. If manipulation on the part of your child’s other parent is negatively impacting your relationship with your child contact an Oakland County child custody lawyer to discuss your situation and ensure your rights are protected.
What is Parental Alienation?
Parental alienation is a manipulation tactic that one parent may use on their child in an attempt to ruin the relationship between the child and the other parent. When using this strategy the alienating parent will display unjustified negative feelings about their co-parent in front of the child. They might make up lies about bad things the other parent has done, tell the child that their other parent does not love them, or exaggerate perceived wrongdoings.
How is Child Custody Determined?
Child custody is generally determined by either a negotiated agreement made between the parents or by a judge in court. When a custody dispute goes to court a judge has to assign physical and legal custody to either one or both parents.
Physical custody refers to the child’s residence, as in with whom they live and when. Legal custody refers to a parent’s right to make decisions for the child regarding important matters like education, healthcare, religion, and more.
Child custody is always determined based on what a judge feels is in the best interest of the child. They aim to ensure that the child’s happiness, health, and development are prioritized. The following information is taken into account when determining the custody arrangement.
- Each parent’s age and health
- Each parent’s income and ability to provide for their child
- Each parent’s mental and physical well-being
- Each parent’s lifestyles
- Who has historically been the primary caretaker
- The relationship the child has with each parent
- Any special needs of the child
- The child’s preference, depending on their age
- Any criminal history on the part of either parent
- Any history of abuse, neglect, abandonment, violence, etc.
The child’s well-being is of the utmost importance so every aspect of each parent’s life must be examined to determine what the best arrangement will be.
How Does Parental Alienation Affect Child Custody?
Parental alienation is a manipulation technique and it is not looked upon kindly by a judge. Its use is primarily to ruin the relationship between the other parent and child and ensure that the child’s belief and loyalty lie with them. If there is evidence that parental alienation strategies are being used to condition and control the child, the custody arrangement can be reexamined.
A common result of parental alienation is that either the alienating parent refuses to let the other parent have access to the child or the child no longer wants to see the other parent. Failing to comply with the agreed-upon parenting plan is grounds for an adjustment of the custody agreement. A judge may decide to transfer custody away from the alienating parent to protect the child.
If you believe that your co-parent is using parental alienation it is important that you contact a family law attorney as soon as possible. Speak with a lawyer today for additional information and legal representation.