Nothing is more important than playing an active role in your child’s life. If you need assistance with any parenting time issue, we are here to help. Contact a dedicated Oakland County parenting time lawyer from Alan B. Cooper & Associates, PLLC today so you can tell us your story and goals, and so we can work on making those goals a reality.
Parenting time and visitation have great significance with respect to the bond you will have with your children beyond your separation from the other parent.
The nature and degree of parenting time and visitation disputes vary from case to case and can become more severe when parents start to use the children as pawns and in a type of tug-of-war. Some parents will even withhold children from the other parent and even try to change their domicile out of the State of Michigan.
When this is done before a case is filed in Court, it becomes even more difficult to have the children returned. If there is a hint that you and your children could be subjected to such circumstances, you should speak with a seasoned Oakland County family lawyer immediately to nullify improper conduct and to obtain the best possible results for what you seek for you and your children. Fortunately, you are in the right place.
Parenting time is the term used in Michigan for the time a child spends with each parent when the parents do not live in the same home. Parenting time is important for the child’s well-being and development, as well as for the parent-child relationship. In Michigan, a child has a right to parenting time with each parent unless a judge determines that parenting time would endanger the child’s physical, mental, or emotional health.
Parenting time is different from child custody, which refers to the legal rights and responsibilities of each parent regarding the child. There are two types of custody: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody means having the right to make important decisions about the child, such as education, health care, and religion. Physical custody means having the right to provide the child with a home and care. Custody can be sole or joint, depending on whether one or both parents have legal and/or physical custody.
Parenting time can be granted for specific dates and times, or it can be reasonable or regular. With reasonable parenting time, the parents work out the details of the schedule together, without a specific order from the court. With specific parenting time, the court order sets out a detailed schedule of when each parent has the child. The court may also impose certain conditions or restrictions on parenting time, such as supervision, transportation, or communication.
Parenting time can be changed by agreement of both parents or by a court order. If both parents agree to change parenting time, they can ask the judge to sign a proposed order without filing a motion. If one parent wants to change parenting time and the other parent does not agree, the parent who wants the change must file a motion with the court and explain why the change is in the best interests of the child. Don’t attempt to do so without a competent Oakland County parenting time lawyer in your corner. Our firm can work to gather and present evidence that proves your case and protect your child’s best interests.
The bottom line is that if you’re facing a parenting time issue of any kind, you need a steadfast legal team in your corner who can effectively represent you at every turn. Contact Alan B. Cooper & Associates, PLLC today so we can get started working on your case.