Nothing is worse than feeling unsafe in your own home. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many Americans who are domestic violence victims. That said, here at Alan B. Cooper & Associates, PLLC, we understand the complexities surrounding domestic relationship Personal Protection Orders (PPOs), informally known as restraining orders, and we are here to help get you to safety. Please continue reading and reach out to a dedicated Oakland County domestic violence lawyer from our legal team to learn more about what a restraining order can do and how we can help you obtain one. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What May Warrant a Restraining Order?

In Michigan, restraining orders are known as domestic relationship Personal Protection Orders. These legal instruments are designed to protect individuals from threats, harassment, or harm by someone with whom they share a specific personal relationship. Michigan law recognizes various relationships under this category, including current or former spouses, individuals with whom you have a child in common, individuals you are dating or have dated, or those residing or having resided in the same household as you.

What Steps Must One Take to Obtain a PPO in Michigan?

The process of obtaining a PPO in Michigan involves several steps. Firstly, it is crucial to understand that PPOs are issued by the court, and one must file a petition to request one. The petitioner must provide detailed information about the nature of the relationship with the other party and the reasons for seeking the order. Importantly, evidence of the alleged harm or threats is critical in convincing the court of the necessity of a PPO.

Upon filing the petition, the court reviews the case. If the court finds that the petitioner is at immediate risk of harm, it may issue a temporary ex parte PPO, effective until a formal hearing is held. At this hearing, both parties can present their arguments, and the court decides whether to extend the PPO. Understanding these steps is crucial, and having an experienced attorney can greatly assist in navigating the legal complexities.

What Role Does an Attorney Play in the PPO Process?

Legal representation is invaluable when dealing with PPOs in Michigan. An experienced family law attorney can guide you through the process, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is correctly filed and deadlines are met. They can also provide crucial assistance in gathering and presenting evidence to support your case. Additionally, an attorney can represent you at the hearing, advocating on your behalf and helping to articulate your need for protection effectively.

If you are considering obtaining a domestic relationship PPO in Michigan, contact us to discuss how we can assist you through this challenging process. Your safety is paramount, and seeking legal protection is a critical step in getting you the peace of mind you and your family deserve.